The Company and its Staff have been working in building construction and restoration for over thirty years. We use innovative techniques and high quality equipment. We guarantee the workforce and above all the agreed delivery times.

Our dynamism and professionalism allows us to quickly complete and to perfection each job type of construction that includes reinforced concrete and the restoration of both private construction and industrial use.
The company is ready to solve professionally, all the problems and to provide, with the help of ideas and suggestions solutions of customer satisfaction and accessibility, all to give the finished job to rule of art .
The continuous changes in regulations concerning construction, for we are not an obstacle, but an incentive for the continuous training of our staff.
essepi s.n.c. possesses qualification certificate to the execution of public works no. 03734500873 17 /11/2000 /11/2000 /11/2000 issued by the soatech s.p.a. for the following categories and classifications:
– Cat. OG1 Class. II;
– Cat. OG3 Class. II;